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Pájaros Negros (2015)  link to Pájaros Negros on IMDb  

Número: 330

poster Pájaros Negros

Clasificación IMDb:
star star star star star star star star star star
6.4/10 (17 votos)

Clasificación Usuario:
star star star star star star star star star star

País: Argentina, 1hr. 47min.

Idiomas: Español

Género Suspenso

Director/es: Fercks Castellani

Victor is a successful businessman, who has to deal with the depression of his wife Maria, and the cold relationship she has with their daughter. He loves them and protects them, but a man invades his family life and seems that there is a hidden secret between him and his wife. Then, Victor begins a dark path, ready to face all the consequences as long as the threat finishes.


photo Tomás Fonzi Tomás Fonzi Mr. White
photo Juan Manuel Alari Juan Manuel Alari Germán
photo Jorge Booth Jorge Booth Luis
photo Luciano Cazaux Luciano Cazaux Victor
photo Nicolás Chinski Nicolás Chinski Empleado
photo Juan D'Andre Juan D'Andre Marcos
photo Mery Hapko Mery Hapko Joker
photo Carlos Kaspar Carlos Kaspar Experto
photo Martina Perret Martina Perret María
photo Marcelo Sein Marcelo Sein Juan

Medio: Desconocido,

Localización: AGAM

Prestado: No

Rel. aspecto: Unknown