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Guaraní (2016)  link to Guaraní on IMDb  

Número: 10

poster Guaraní

Clasificación IMDb:
star star star star star star star star star star
7.3/10 (16 votos)

Clasificación Usuario:
star star star star star star star star star star

País: Paraguay, 1hr. 05min.

Idiomas: Español

Género Drama

Director/es: Luis Zorraquin

Atilio lives with his granddaughter Iara. His great desire is to have a grandson to transmit the Guarani culture. When he discovers that Iara's mother, Helena, is pregnant, he decides to go to a long journey and cross borders, with the aim to convince Helena to give birth in the Guarani land... The long journey will make Atilio and Iara understand the real meaning of traditions and family bonds.


photo Hebe Duarte Hebe Duarte Lilian
photo Emilio Barreto Emilio Barreto Atilio

Medio: Copia digital,


Prestado: No

Rel. aspecto: Unknown